Your generosity helps us better serve the community.

We've made giving to Refresh super easy!
Thank you for your interest in supporting Refresh Church financially. We’re convinced everyone should have a plan for how they intend to support their local church financially, with their time, and with their talents.

Manage your giving online
Thank-you for automating your giving and having a plan to support your local church. Download the Tithe.ly app (Google Play or App Store) and create an account to make regular or once-off donations to a range of different projects.
EFT / Direct deposit
Make electronic transfers through your internet banking provider. Payment details as follows:
Account Name: Refresh Community Church
BSB: 034-001
Account: 337639
Giving at services
Tap'n go credit card payments
Simply select an amount for your once-off donation and tap your credit card at the Connect Desk just inside the auditorium doors.
Want to get rid of some loose change or notes? Simply place your cash donations into the giving box by the Connect Desk.
Please make cheques payable to Refresh Church. Our mailing address is PO Box 6 North Lakes 4509.